
Co-Captain Anna Ohm ’24’s Cycling Journey: Inspiring a Collective Effort

Attending school away from home presents its own set of challenges, including rigorous academics and sports commitments. Co-Captain Anna Ohm ’24 has managed to create a sense of home on the cycling trails as the team captain.

Utilizing her leadership abilities and passion for nature, along with her supportive and engaging demeanor, she inspires her team to excel and provides a stabilizing presence for everyone. Ohm found her passion for cycling through her love of adventure and the outdoors, as well as the people she feels at home and connected with.

“One of my favorite parts of cycling is that we get [to] ride many miles off campus and I get to see the surrounding area. No matter what is happening in my life, it has always been helpful to ground myself in the geography surrounding me, especially since I’m not from the Northeast. But, my favorite part has to be the team. We attract students and coaches who are supportive, energetic, and hilarious.” said Ohm.

Matthew Wasilewski ’24 described some of his favorite moments with Ohm on the sidelines and bus rides. Her joyful and motivational attitude makes her fun to be around.

“Some of my favorite moments with Anna occur when we’re on the sidelines during a race cheering our teammates on. It’s also great to be able to spend the car ride to and from the races going to play some of our favorite music and getting in the mindset for competition,” said Wasilewski.

Wasilewski also described Ohm’s positive mindset towards others on the team, along with setting an example of how to apply such a mindset. Encouraging each member to give their maximum effort has been crucial in starting the season on a positive note.

“Anna always has a positive mindset and makes sure to keep the team focused on the goals that we are striving towards… Anna sets the bar for the team by always pushing herself during our workouts and motivating everyone to give their all,” said Wasilewski.

Ohm credited her success in leading the team to a quote from last year’s captain that has deeply influenced her. She is dedicated to imparting this same wisdom to all new team members.

“My captain, Amelia Vinton [’23] , last year said to me, ‘All we can ask is that you give whatever you have to give each day.’ That line really changed how I viewed sports. I try to live by that and encourage others to. It holds us to a standard, while still understanding that life happens and not every day will be perfect,” said Ohm.

Wasilewski noted that Anna’s dedication to nurturing a supportive team environment enables members to remain focused on their goals and perform well in different races.

“Anna creates a beneficial team community by making sure that everyone stays focused on the goals at hand and making sure that all riders can excel in races, especially when the course is uphill both ways,” Wasilewski said.

Ohm emphasized her aim to create a balanced and constructive environment for her cyclists, prioritizing positivity and mutual reliance among the team members. She believes that a strong sense of community is key to their collective success.

“When you check in with your teammates and let them know that you care about them both in the sport and outside of it, it changes the team dynamic. They are more willing to put in an effort out of a motivation to do their best. I think it helps take the pressure off of our riders, especially younger riders who might be racing for the first time,” said Ohm.

According to Ohm, cycling has given her a lifelong love of the outdoors. She hopes to continue her racing throughout the next stages of her life.

“I would like to continue to race after graduation. Not exactly sure what that will look like yet. I am super grateful to the cycling program for introducing me to the sport and encouraging a lifelong love of cycling. Go Big Blue,” said Ohm.