
Indoor Track and Field Co-Captain Patricia Tran ’24 Returns for Her Second Season of Captainship

As a persistent runner and leader, Indoor Track and Field Co-Captain Patricia Tran ’24 sets an example of consistency and dedication for Andover’s team. The 2023-2024 Indoor Track and Field season is Tran’s second indoor season leading the team as a co-captain.

Tran has been a dedicated runner since the spring of her Junior year at Andover. Track and Field wasn’t Tran’s first choice for a sport, but after impulsively deciding to try it out for a season, she fell in love with the sport and has never looked back.

Tran said, “I started off playing soccer my whole life, and then late [Junior year], start of Lower year, I just decided to join the school’s track team spontaneously… A lot of soccer players I know do track in the spring to stay in shape so I did it, and I fell in love. Then the following season, my Lower year, I decided to quit soccer and just run cross country and then later [did] track all three seasons… I stayed with it because I loved all the people that were there. I love the community that it brought me and I also just love the opportunity to get better every single day and really be disciplined and responsible for yourself and then also have a great support system around you.”

Despite dealing with on-and-off injuries throughout her time running at Andover, Tran has always prioritized her team. Regardless of whether she is running or not, she is always there to cheer on her teammates. Chloe Song ’26 highlighted Tran’s constant support she provides as a captain.

Song said, “She is very dependable, even if she’s injured, and she has been injured since I came onto the team as a [Junior]. She’s been a very strong pillar of support for everyone even when she isn’t racing, and I see this support not only in practices but also at meets. She’s very vocal, being on the sidelines, always cheering on every single one of her teammates even when she’s not racing. She’s someone who is very dedicated and hardworking, and she’s very passionate about the sport. Whenever we go on our long runs, she’s always there with her bike. Now, she’s been getting back into it more with running because she’s recovering from her injury.”

Tran’s favorite aspect of running is the community built through the sport. She emphasized how running brings people together and how she has formed meaningful connections through running with teammates.

“I absolutely love going on long runs with other people. I feel like a lot of people who think about running don’t really realize that it’s a great opportunity to really connect with other people. On easy runs, you can have a great conversation with whoever’s next to you. So, I think one of my favorite aspects of running is those easy runs where you can talk to the person next to you… Running really helps you bond with other people,” said Tran.

As a leader, Tran aims to build community. She makes an effort to get to know each team member and build a connection with them. She encourages her team and always supports their goals. Emma Hagstrom ’25 emphasized Tran’s goals to build community and how it has impacted the team for the better.

Hagstrom said, “Patty has a huge impact on the team. She fosters a positive team culture and creates a team environment where everyone feels like they are part of the family. She puts in a huge effort to get to know each team member even when we have such a big team. She encourages everyone and is always cheering us on in races and workouts. This makes the team motivated to do their best because they know she will always support their goals.”

Tran described her leadership in that she tends to lead with quiet determination and building bonds within a large team. She hopes that the meaningful bonds she creates with her teammates go beyond the surface level and make the approximate 120-member team feel a little bit smaller.

“This is kind of cliche, but I’m definitely a leader by example. I’m not always the most vocal, but I do try every time I’m in warm-ups, to be very focused and then I also try to be very disciplined in my own work and during practice. I hope that helps other people to do the same thing. I also really love just building one-on-one connections with people. On the track team when there’s like 120 kids, I feel like it’s very easy for a lot of people to feel lonely or feel like there’s not someone there who’s supporting them or mentoring them. And I feel like I can do really well building that one-on-one connection and getting to know people deeper than just the ‘hellos,’ the simple cheers, and stuff like that,” said Tran.

Song highlighted Tran’s dedication that not only produces strong performances from Tran herself but also inspires her teammates.

Song said, “I remember her telling me that she wasn’t the fastest girl on the team when she first started. She could barely run three miles without stopping. And then I think by spring track she was running like a 2.26 [800-Meter Run]. So she’s someone who’s very dedicated and someone who’s very hardworking. For a distance runner that is one of the most important qualities to have. As her teammate, I’m very much inspired by her, and she’s someone that I look up to every single day.”