Following the sequel of the 2016 movie “Sing,” “Sing 2” portrays the importance of how music allows connection and bonding between friends and family, especially during challenging times. Released on December 22, 2021, and directed by Garth Jennings, this animation focuses on Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey) and his group of talented singers. As Moon’s theater becomes a local phenomenon, he and his team hope to audition at Crystal Entertainment to perform at Redshore City, one of the most famous and populated venues. Spoilers ahead.
It’s no surprise that “Sing 2,” like the first movie to the sequel, focuses on a theme of accomplishing goals and doing whatever it takes to do so. When Moon’s dream of auditioning for Crystal Entertainment is crushed by a scout named Suki (Chelsea Peretti), he becomes more motivated to get his singers an audition. After being officially cut from the audition by Jimmy Crystal (Bobby Cannavale), Moon soon learns about Clay Calloway (Bono), a famous singer 15 years ago, who has now disappeared. Moon claims that he knows Calloway, which is a lie, so Crystal suggests that if Moon can bring Calloway to his show in three weeks, then Moon and his team can perform at Redshore City. When Calloway is successfully found, Moon discovers that he has lost all love and motivation to create music. After his wife passed away, he couldn’t bring himself to play music, stating that all his music was inspired by her. However, through spending time with Ash (Scarlett Johansson), a teenage guitarist, Calloway sparks his passion again and agrees to perform at Moon’s show.
Another incredible part of this movie is the actor’s jaw dropping singing talent, which left me in awe and gave me goosebumps. Most of the cast members are real-life singers, such as Taron Egerton, Tori Kelly, Pharrell Williams, Bono, and Halsey. Casting singers into this animation allowed the characters to have their own quirks and portray each voice singer as unique and special. Even though there were many voice actors who weren’t singers, each and every cast member sounded as if they were professional singers, such as Scarlett Johansen and Mathew McConaughey.
As it is common that most sequels do not get as much hype as the first movie, that is not the case with this movie. “Sing 2” has been as successful as “Sing” and only four weeks later, this animation has a total rating of 4.8 and a Rotten Tomato Percentage of 70 percent. “Sing 2” certainly has its own spotlight as well as a completely different direction from the first movie. Because it contains a variety of humor, optimism, and emotion, this movie is more intriguing and exciting to watch until the bitter end.
I rate “Sing 2” a 4 out of 5 stars for its amazing work with the power of music and the comeliness of friends and family.