Kylie Quinlan ’20 scored one of Andover’s goals against St. Paul’s, helping to secure the 7-6 win.
“I look up to Kylie a lot. Last year at our game against St. Marks, I saw Kylie flying down the ice and realized how incredibly fast she was. She goes so hard and I respect her so much. She’s definitely a light on the team, I look forward to seeing her at practice. She leads by example and I love to see my teammates notice this. They often remark on her hard work and grit on the ice,” wrote Meyer in an email to The Phillipian.
Due to her commendable commitment and effort to her game, Kylie Quinlan ’20 has been named The Phillipian’s Athlete of the Week.
Where did you play before Andover?
Before I played for Andover, I played for Middlesex, another local boarding school. It was on that team that [I] met a leader that I will always try to emulate. I hope that I can continue to share her qualities with my teammates and maybe be that person for someone else some day.
What are some of the most important aspects for a team player, and how do you embody them and encourage them in others?
The most important aspect of being a team player is wholeheartedly putting your own interests aside for the good of the team. I try to encourage others to be team players by constantly being encouraging and positive for those around me. I try to be that infectious positive energy that drives others to do the same.
What leadership skills do you try to use on and off the ice?
On the ice I always aim to be a source of energy for the people around me, whether it be going 110 percent in a drill, or giving my teammates words of encouragement and a high five. Also, in every practice and every game, I strive to bring a physical edge to my play to up the intensity for everyone on the ice. Off the ice, I try to be someone that’s easy to talk to and joke around in the locker room with. I also aim to make sure that everyone feels included in our family by taking the time to check in with people to see how they’re doing, not just with hockey, but with anything they want to talk about.
What are some of your goals for this season?
Our team’s one goal this year is to take every game one at a time all the way to the Super 8 playoffs. Last season we caught everyone in the league by surprise by making it to the New England semifinals, after upsetting the third seed in the quarterfinals. This season, throughout our inevitable ups and downs, we will all try to stay centered on our pursuit of our ultimate goal.
What is your favorite memory from being on the team at Andover?
My favorite memory from the team so far is for sure our win against Tabor in the New England quarter finals last year. Everyone counted us out, but they didn’t know the heart and character of our team. We sealed the win with an empty net and all celebrated together. It was truly special and a moment I’ll never forget.
What do you look forward to for the rest of the season?
I look forward to spending every second I can with my [hockey] family. It still feels like just yesterday that I stepped on the ice here for the first time, so I know how fast the time here can go. I want to be present and in the moment for all the time that I have left with this incredible group of people.