Captain Carly Kreytak ’20 played forward her Lower year, but transitioned to play outside and center back her Upper and Senior year.
Gwyn Lapp ’22 said, “[Kreytak’s goal] was just such an exciting moment because once she got that goal in, we were all just so hype because we knew that from that moment on, we were most likely going to win that game.”
This game marked the final home game for the seniors on the team. According to Kiera Suh ’22, the excitement began before the first whistle blew, as the team decorated the field and locker room in the Seniors’ honor.
Suh said, “An hour and a half before the game all the underclassmen started setting up the field and the locker room for senior day. There was just so much happiness and good energy. Before the game we were running through the stands setting up balloons and then in the locker room we put up L.E.D. strips. Once the Seniors got there, we had music blast which got us all super hyped up and in the right mood for what we wanted to do on the field.”
The energy throughout the game against Cushing was unlike any other game the team has played this season, according to Kreytak.
“There was another level of love there. We were all so happy and proud to be each other’s teammates and just ready to go out and play. Energy during the game was intense but we had confidence in each other, which has taken a bit for us to gain through the season until now,” said Kreytak.
According to Suh, the team created many scoring opportunities and was able to maintain its composure despite being down in the first half. Andover’s first goal was scored off a corner by Olivia O’Brien PG’20.
Suh said, “I think we controlled the ball really well throughout the entire game. In the first half we had two super close shots—ridiculously close—and so after that we all really wanted to score. But then after a [questionable] call, they had a quick break and scored. I think compared to some other games we would’ve been rattled by that but we just pushed through and scored a goal to tie it up.”
Towards the end of the season, the team will work on its offensive execution, according to Anna Bargman ’21 and Lapp.
“I think we definitely learned we need to be ready on free hits because they took advantage of those a couple of times and especially we need to work on capitalizing on corners because we had a lot of chances but we couldn’t bury it. We need to bring the same energy we brought to the game on Saturday to the game this Saturday against Exeter because we need to win,” said Bargman.
Lapp added, “From that game we have realized that when we all come together and focus on the little things and make the simple plays and not try to do everything ourselves, that’s when we are the most successful and that’s when our team can really beat any team we want.”
Andover will travel to Phillips Exeter Academy on Saturday for Andover/Exeter Weekend.