The Eighth Page

Phillipian Satire: Classifieds For The Lovelorn…

Andover can be a lonely place, and it’s not always easy to meet new people. So every week, we highlight one real, actual student who is on this campus and looking for love (serious relationships only — we don’t advertise hook-ups). If interested in putting your name here, email

Andrea Pinga ’19

Cool Facts About me!

Retired Managing Editor, retired Varsity Rower and Water Polo Player, retired meme creator, retired student.

Pomegranate is pronounced Poh-MEH-gra-NET, salmon is pronounced sa-L-mon

I let Jesus take the wheel: my mother prays the rosary every time I drive.

Sometimes wishes she was blonde. On an island in Greece. With three possible fathers. Alongside Meryl Streep frolicking to ABBA.

If you text me at 4:00 p.m., there’s a 90 percent chance I’m taking a nap.

A Vermont hippie by morals (#Bernie), but not by practice (#I’m clean #Don’t DC me pls)


The inferiority complex of Art Garfunkel

The superiority complex of Paul Simon


Ideal Date Spot:

Bob Ross painting session. Complete with Bob’s “wet-on-wet” technique 😉