Dressed in a dark red robe that matched his velvet tablecloth, the palm reader scrutinized a student’s hand under his magnifier. Lines leading up to cubicles labeled “Palm Reading” and “Tarot Cards” filled Susie’s as more students crowded into the space to witness the readers demonstrate their abilities.
“We talked a little about my personalities and my qualities,” said Karen Sun ’20 after her palm reading session. “I think it was really interesting to hear what other people think or perceive myself to be, and I think that is always something that I was curious about… While he didn’t get everything correct, I do think it was a very interesting experience to have.”
The National Pumpkin Day Festival, organized by the Student Activities Board (STACT), took place last Friday night in the Flagstaff Courtyard and Susie’s Balcony. The event featured tarot cards and palm reading, pumpkin carving, caramel apples, popcorn, and showings of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.”
Several students cited pumpkin carving as their favorite activity. Students picked their own pumpkins and went through the entire process of scooping out seeds, making designs, and carving.
“I always see the traditional pumpkin carving as two triangles and a wavy mouth so I just mimicked that, with the addition of a circular nose and some eyebrows… I think the pumpkin carving is a custom originally rooted in the south, and agricultural culture as a society. I think it would be really interesting if the school did organize more events like this,” said Nalu Concepcion ’19.
“I just love carving into a pumpkin, and having creative expression over the way that it’s going to go. There’s nothing spookier than Halloween, and nothing spookier specifically than Jack-O-Lanterns… [The event] really brings up the spirit of the community and of this campus; it just makes everyone a lot happier,” said Shyan Koul ’19.
With the carved pumpkins lining up along the haystack fences, many students enjoyed the atmosphere that the event brought to campus, including Celeste Robinson ’22.
“[The event] is definitely prepping me for Halloween, I’m getting in the spirit…and it’s just a great celebration of fall. It’s a really pretty time on campus here in New England, so it’s nice to enjoy it outside and inside,” said Robinson.
Participants also expressed their hope for more holiday-themed events on campus.
Katie Wimmer ’21 said, “I think this is a fun event. I think It’s a cool thing and we should do more seasonal events too, like a winter-themed or spring-themed event. I think it would be a hit.”