
Quad Day 2018

Tenzin Sharlung ’20 (Eaton Cottage)

Our stall was a donut eating contest, which Eaton Cottage has done for the past two Quad Days. My favorite part was seeing friends hilariously compete and struggle just for the fun of it.

Neil Thorley ’19 (Taylor House)

The community atmosphere is really fun – a lot of games, a lot of food. I’m personally always a fan of free food, but the Quad is a great space for events like this. Sometimes, the only people I see out here are people who live in the Quads, so it’s great that everyone from the school comes and enjoys this really great area.

Victor Mvemba ’22 (Rockwell House)

Quad Day was a lot more fun than I was expecting. Human foosball was an incredible way to bond with new people through the magic of soccer. Additionally, the abundance of spikeball nets created a scenario that you could always find someone to play with and never be excluded.

Faith Monahan ’20 (Bancroft House)

My dorm’s table did caramel apples. Although our table was giving out food for free, we had an optional donation that went to [people affected by] the gas leak. We unfortunately didn’t get much, but it was really heartwarming to see a few people putting in a dollar or asking if we took BlueCard. We did not, sadly, but maybe we could get more donations for another cause if we did that next year.

Natalie Ahn ’20 (Johnson House)

[It was] a nice dorm bonding experience. I thought Quad Day was cute, and I would do it again. It was nice to see what all the different dorm’s came up with and [it was] nice to have an event to use the quads for because usually when people think of outdoor events, they think of the great lawn.