Students study in The Nest, the library’s makerspace now relocated to Gelb Science Center.
Ben Fu ’21
I’ve been studying in Lower Left [of Paresky Commons]. It’s pretty early, the first few weeks of school, so I went to a few other places like the Underwood Room, Upper Left, but I’ve been sticking to Lower Left. It’s easy to get to, in my opinion, and I don’t know where else to go. I just go to Lower Left because it’s close to [Paresky]. I just go eat and then go back to studying because I don’t have much time these days.
Jack Diodati ’20
I’ve been studying mainly in Lower Left and the dorm. So far, it’s been pretty good. I tried a couple different places to find the one that worked for me. I tried Gelb [Science Center]. I tried [the Underwood Room], the dorm, Lower Left and Lower Right, and the two that worked best for me were Lower Left and the dorm. Last year, Silent Study was the place that worked the best for me. It was the place that I could be the most productive. Maybe next term I’ll try somewhere else, but for now Lower Left is the best place.
Amour Ellis ’22
Since the library is closed, I usually study in my room. I also tried the basement of [George Washington Hall] near the mailroom, or in Lower Left. I really like studying in my room because I have all my stuff, and it is comfortable, but it is also convenient to study in GW because I get a lot of packages. Lower Left is also very nice because it is quiet and has become almost like another mini library with librarians and resources to help you if you need anything.
Charlotte Whitehurst ’22
I mostly study in my dorm because it is very quiet and I have a desk. I tried to study in Lower Left, but it can get very crowded, and I didn’t like it as much. The Addison is great. You aren’t pressured, and you can study with friends as long as you aren’t loud. On the downside, it isn’t open on Mondays, so it can be hard to figure out when to go. Overall, I prefer my dorm, but there are definitely other study spaces to get your homework done while the library is under renovation.
Adaeze Izuegbunam ’20
I actually didn’t really use the library all that often, but I think I’ve actually gotten into the library spaces that are now on campus, like Lower Left of [Paresky] Commons. I was just in the Underwood Room, and I found that that was really productive and quiet. I definitely did a lot more there. And my dorm is pretty small, so I found that being in my dorm’s common room is also very effective. It’s pretty early in the year, but those three I’ve found have been pretty good. So finding those spaces, even though it’s not the library, that are set up to be library substitutes, those have been really effective for me, especially in my Upper year.
Emma Brown ’19
I personally have been spending most of my time in the cloister outside of Kemper Chapel in the basement of Cochran Chapel… Nobody really knows that this space exists, and it’s also right next to the choir room, which works really well for me when I need to just go right into Chorus. My other alternative to the cloister is sitting at a small desk outside of Steinbach Lobby because that is another place I frequently inhabit. Other than that, I’m really kind of at a loss… As a day student, there is no designated space large enough to hold the quantity of people who need places to be especially later in the evenings when things start closing up. It seems to me that there’s a particular need that’s going unheeded there. I think a great way that we could combat this would be assigning day students to dorms.
Anthony Minickiello ’20
Currently I study mostly in my dorm, though occasionally I like to study in the Addison or in Gelb. Studying in my dorm is convenient because it is much closer and I have all my materials there. In case I forget something when I travel to study elsewhere, I can run back and get it and run back and forth. At the Addison, I love the art there, and it’s a really pretty study space. Like the library last year, Gelb, the science study center, has peer study group, which is nice.
For more, check out The Phillipian’s Video on new study spaces around campus here.