Julia Pratt ’19 wrote the lyrics for her title track “All the Girls Are Crazy” in just 20 minutes.
Julia Pratt ’19 released her new single “All the Girls Are Crazy” on August 16. Over five days, the song received 1,110 plays on Spotify. Pratt wrote the lyrics to the song in 20 minutes the day before the recording.
“It was really spontaneous. I didn’t really know what was going to happen when I sat down and wrote it. I think that’s when I write best. I don’t really like to plan things out. It just kind of happens or it doesn’t,” said Pratt.
Pratt’s latest EP, “All the Girls Are Crazy” is available on Apple Music and Spotify along with another track titled “Gold on the Ceiling.” Inspired by her own experiences and those of other women around her, Pratt composed “All the Girls Are Crazy” with the encouragement of her mother.
“My mom kind of inspired me a little bit because she [said], ‘You should write a song about how women who were in bad relationships or situations with domestic violence are often portrayed as crazy and just run with that.’ I took that line and rolled with it, and it just kind of came out,” said Pratt.
Pratt says she is thankful for the opportunity to produce and release a song, as this was her first experience in a recording studio. Although it was stressful at times, various members of Pratt’s family helped her make the song a reality.
“It was actually recorded in a legit studio. I [took about] a week in July and recorded a bunch of songs for an EP. [“All the Girls Are Crazy”] was the first song that I actually ended up recording in the studio. My uncle’s actually a jazz pianist, and he came to support me. He took the chords that I came up with and made it into something way better,” said Pratt.
Pratt also received help from her sister, whose album art helped describe the message that she wanted to express in her music.
Pratt hopes to release her next single in October.
“[The silhouette] has the evil eyes on her hands that are covering her eyes, and they symbolize society: there’s all these people around; you can cover your eyes, but things are still happening. Only once you start paying attention to them and addressing them [can] they even get resolved. It’s just to represent that struggle, especially that we as women have,” said Pratt.
Since releasing the song, Pratt has garnered over 95,000 plays as well as support from her friends. Strangers have also sent direct messages to Pratt’s music Instagram account @IAmJuliaPrattMusic to express their appreciation. Pratt says the positive feedback has encouraged her to continue pursuing music.
“[Releasing the song] was emotional, but I was also really proud once I did it, because you can’t get any success unless you try. For me, wanting to be a singer is mainly because I want a platform to make a change through the experiences that I’ve had. Being able to expose my voice, my thoughts, and feelings to people is a really unique thing, and I think it’s awesome that people are listening and relating to it,” said Pratt.
In the future, Pratt says she hopes to further her career as an artist and sign onto a label. Aside from performing at different gigs, Pratt aspires to attend music programs in California, where she hopes to gain better access to musical resources such as producers and studios.
Shyan Koul ’19, a friend of Pratt, said, “She really works to make sure [her songs are] authentic, and that’s something I really respect in her. I’m just so proud of her because I know that she’s wanted to do it for so long, and it’s her song. It definitely speaks about her.”
Pratt is currently on a year-long leave from Andover, although she remains a student. She plans to put out more music while balancing her busy schedule. Her next single is expected to be released on October 6.