Next Thursday, students must make the choice between attending classes as normal or receiving unexcused absences in order to support the National School Walkout. For many, the solution to this dilemma is simple: cuts should not be given to students taking action for a cause that the school openly supports, as demonstrated in the joint statement written by the Heads of Schools of the Eight Schools Association. However, the consequence of a cut should exist to preserve the meaning, significance, and impact of this movement.
When it comes to protesting, each student must consider the risks and responsibilities and decide that what they are fighting for is vastly more important than the potential consequences. Protest should not guarantee comfort – this would undermine the very idea of rebellion itself.
And considering the bravery of the Parkland survivors leading this movement on a national scale, we should honor their courage as much as we can in our part of the protest. Students should decide themselves if the cause they are fighting for is worth the responsibilities that come with it.
There will not always be an “administration” hovering over everything we do, ready to make what should be difficult decisions easy. We shoulder the responsibility and risks of activism when it comes to something that we truly care about.
This editorial represents the views of The Phillipian, vol. CXLI.