According to Tuller, she hopes to pursue a career in fashion and business.
Daisy Tuller ’18 wears a blue denim jacket over a graphic t-shirt knotted to the top of her high-waisted blue skirt. She pairs this with white sneakers and large hoop earrings. Her glasses are reminiscent of “Napoleon Dynamite,” according to Tuller.
Shahinda Bahnasy ’20, a friend of Tuller’s, said, “[Her clothing] definitely will bring her confidence because what she does wear is what other people may find abnormal or crazy. It boosts her confidence to know that other people like her outfits, and they suit her very well. For her, my first impression was, ‘Wow, this is such a great style for who she is and although all these other people may not like it, it works for her.’ ”
Tuller often designs and makes her own clothing. This past Halloween, Tuller designed a costume based off of the character Cher from the 1995 film, “Clueless.”
“That was the most complicated thing I’d ever sewn up until that date, and I was just super proud of it. [“Clueless” is] kind of an iconic movie. Everyone likes it. [Cher is] a great character. [She wears] a great outfit, so that was kind of a moment where I feel great in this. Everyone else likes it. It’s all coming together,” said Tuller.
Tuller does not choose her clothing to fit a certain style genre and instead chooses to explore clothing in regards to what makes her feel good about herself.
“I’ve always just been like really concerned… with looking good — not for other people — but for myself,” said Tuller. “I don’t do it because I want other people to compliment me or want other people to like what I’m wearing. I wear it because I really like [it], and I want to look good for myself because it is a huge fueler of my self-confidence.”
Tuller typically chooses a statement piece to build her outfit around. This item can be anything from a pair of shoes she has not worn recently to a new hairstyle. Tuller says that coordinating her other clothing and accessories make her feel put-together and self-assured.
“I just feel like, because I look great, I can do anything that I want to do because I want to do it. It’s hard to explain. I just feel uber confident in myself. If I just don’t look presentable, emotionally I’ll feel worse because I feel like I can’t conquer something right now because I look bad… My confidence stoops tremendously. When I look good, I feel good and feel like I can do really well on this test or grind out this paper or talk to someone super important,” said Tuller.
Growing up on the laidback West Coast, Daisy Tuller ’20 notices differences of a more business and formal mode of dress on the East Coast.
Instead of following major fashion trends, Tuller wears the clothing that feels right for her. She favors patterned or highly colored outfits with a touch of high fashion, exclusive, custom-fitted clothing.
“I am super intrigued by high fashion and its weird abstractness and avant-garde vibe. It is really hard to mix into everyday fashion… It’s hard to make that out of a regular teenage girl’s wardrobe, but a feeling or a mood you get from an entire ensemble can get to that [high fashion vibe],” said Tuller.