Jack Legler ’17
Jack Legler ’17 has made 47 tackles on the season.
After joining Andover Football last year as a new Upper, Jack Legler ’17 quickly made an impression on his teammates and coaches as a talented and hardworking player, earning him this year’s title of Co-Captain.
Legler began playing football for his local community team in Beaconsfield, Canada when he was just seven years old. He immediately fell in love with the sport and developed a strong passion for and understanding of the game.
Despite entering as an Upper, Legler had a smooth transition to the team and began making an impact immediately after joining.
“It was definitely a weird feeling joining the team as a new Upper, but I was welcomed with open arms and felt extremely comfortable in a matter of days. The football team really eased my transition into the school, especially since we were one of the first groups of campus. They put me on my feet and guided me in the right direction,” said Legler.
Head Coach Leon Modeste said, “It was like he was always here. He blends right in. The reality is he just got here last year, and he’s already leading people, so he’s a pretty special kid.”
Legler’s selfless attitude and dedication to his role as captain both on and off the field has made an impact on his teammates and coaches.
Modeste said, “Jack is very organized and he’s also selfless. He doesn’t worry about his statistics or where he plays. He has played every position on our line: he’s played linebacker, he’s played defensive end. Whatever the coaches need him to do, he’s happy to do it and he does it with skill and 100 percent effort all the time.”
Alex Apgar ’17 said, “Jack has fulfilled his role as captain unconditionally; he epitomizes humility everyday through his always-positive attitude and support towards every one of his teammates. [He picks] up the team when we lack energy and [keeps] his head high throughout times of adversity.”
Legler tries to lead by example during games and practices. He hopes that by working hard himself, his teammates will do the same.
Larson Tolo ’18 said, “He is not always the most vocal of leaders, but he devotes himself every single day and every single practice to improving his own skills and encouraging the people around him to do the same. As members of his team, we all understand that Jack will give all he has to see us succeed and that we must follow in his footsteps to be the best team we can be.”
Legler’s character defines him as a Co-Captain. He makes sure to encourage his players and support them through times of adversity.
Tolo said, “Jack is always smiling and enjoying life. He always has something nice to say and is there to pick you up when you’re feeling down. He combines that friendliness and compassion with his intensity in practice, which motivates the rest of us to follow suit.”
Colton Fahey ’19 said, “He is always telling kids to keep their heads up and supporting everyone when they make a mistake. He is a great person and a great player.”
Legler takes his role as a Co-Captain beyond the football field.
“As Co-Captain of the team, I feel as though teammates and other peers across campus look up to me. I only want to set the best example for these people and hope not to let them down. I also always try to help my teammates get better in all aspects of their life,” said Legler.
Legler is proud to have the title of Co-Captain and is grateful for the camaraderie of his teammates.
He said, “I love the family that is created in Andover football. When I look back on my time here, I know I will remember the great moments I spent with my teammates on and off field.”
Editor´s Note: Larson Tolo is a Copy Editor for The Phillipian.
Keegan Cummings ’17
Keegan Cummings ’17 has played football for seven years.
Having never lost a scholastic football game before coming to Andover, Co-Captain Keegan Cummings ’17 brings many years of experience to the Andover Football roster. Despite a rocky 1-5 season so far for Andover, Cummings looks to lead his team to a strong finish.
Considering the team’s difficult start to the season, Cummings feels that his experience on Andover Football has taught him to conquer challenges both in sports and in everyday life.
In an email to The Phillipian, Cummings wrote, “Playing football at Mater Dei [Middle School] was completely different from playing at Andover. We blew teams out of the water. We never had to face any adversity; every game was a walk in the park.”
He continued, “Being on the football team at Andover has taught me that some [things] don’t work out the way you want them to, but you have to push through it regardless [of] whether you like it or not, and I think that has helped me grow not only as an athlete, but as a student and person as well.”
Cumming’s teammates credit him for motivating the team with a “lead by example” attitude.
Colby Gendron ’18 wrote in an email to The Phillipian, “Keegan is the type of leader who understands that actions speak louder than words. He always gives his full effort, which rubs off on the rest of the team.”
Cummings is also a vocal leader for the younger athletes on the team. He often shares his knowledge with his teammates about playing offensive tackle and defensive end.
In an email to The Phillipian, Alex Apgar ’17 wrote, “Keegan looks out for the younger kids on the team and will not hesitate to give pointers and make constructive remarks to just about everyone on the team.”
Adam Cohen ’18 said, “He does a great job in teaching other lineman their responsibilities and encourages every player to put in extra work to get better.”
A challenge that Cummings has successfully tackled this season is integrating all the Post-Graduates (PG’s) and new players into the team.
PG Will Sirmon ’17 wrote in an email to The Phillipian, “He has made the transition easy on myself and the other PGs; he was very welcoming and made us feel right at home, helping us both on and off the field with whatever we needed.”
Gendron wrote, “Keegan right away was very kind to me and welcomed all of us into the football family. He was an instant friend and made us feel all right at home when we first stepped on campus.”
Even before he was chosen as Co-Captain, Cummings’s leadership ability was apparent.
Apgar wrote, “Last year, Keegan stood out as a sub-leader on the team thanks to his starting role on both offense and defense, but also his noticeable focus and importance to the team as an underclassman.”
Cohen added, “Keegan has always been a great role model for the team. He has always been that kind of person, even before he was captain, and that is why he is one now.”
Cummings also works well with his fellow Co-Captain Jack Legler ’17. Head Coach Leon Modeste wrote in an email to The Phillipian, “Keegan is an excellent captain and leader. He and Jack work very well together and complement each other very well.”
Legler said, “Keegan’s work ethic and skill play a crucial part in him getting elected. Keegan embodies many leadership qualities that also qualified him for the position. He is hardworking, passionate, and dedicated to the game.”
This season has been particularly difficult for Andover, as the team has been plagued with injuries. Despite this difficulty, Cummings has fought to keep the team motivated.
Sirmon said, “Keegan has been a strong backbone for the team this year, even though the season didn’t quite start off the way we wanted it to, he never gave up on us and still keeps us motivated.”
Cummings looks to lead Andover in finishing its season on a high note.