To the contributors to _The Phillipian _Endowment Campaign:
Words cannot express our gratitude for your generous support of _The Phillipian. _Thank you, on behalf of CXXXVII, the 136 boards before us and all the generations to follow, for contributing to continuing the legacy of _The Phillipian _as an independent student newspaper.
Your help will ensure that next year, all members of the Andover community will have access to free newspapers in kiosks all over campus. Editors will be able to learn about journalism in off-campus, real-world settings; they will no longer be at risk of panic attacks when InDesign crashes on our well-worn computers on a Thursday afternoon. But most importantly, the students who choose to devote their time, energy, and passion to _The Phillipian _will have the resources they need and the foundation already set to realize their dreams of delving into the digital media world and establishing _The Phillipian_, as Mr. Palfrey put it, as a “digital plus” news media organization.
Thanks to your generosity, boards of the future will now have the continuity and strength to tackle their weekly responsibilities as well as improve _The Phillipian _from all aspects.
There will be many changes on _The Phillipian _in the coming years. Thank you, again, for your kindness and faith in the power of student voices.
In gratitude,
_The Phillipian _CXXXVII