To the Editor:
In this first issue of the Phillipian for spring term, I want to thank the Phillipian staff for their coverage of my retirement announcement. Because I truly wanted students to hear from me directly rather than through rumor, I met with the Phillipian’s upper management only moments before sharing the news with the entire student body at the Smith Center. With very short notice, the Phillipian did a remarkable job of reporting and commenting.
The March 4 editorial’s title, “It’s a Big Deal for Students Too,” accurately identified students among the many constituencies, including trustees, faculty, staff, alumni and parents, who shape this academy and who, therefore, have a strong interest and investment in the leadership position of head of school. The editorial astutely characterized the search for a head of school as “more complex than a leadership appointment.” Absolutely! While each head of school becomes a singular “symbolic presence” associated with an era of the academy’s long history, he or she must work with many people to perpetuate Andover’s strong, steady, principled excellence.
Transitions are, by definition, both exhilarating and uncomfortable; yet we should all take comfort in the fact that Andover is very strong and that it is guided by a commonly held vision that comes from our founding principles. That vision and their own dedication, passion and energy will lead the trustees to conduct a thorough and thoughtful search. They will reach out to all the constituencies of the academy, including students, to gather ideas about Andover’s next leader. They will find a great person, and that person will join a great community, just as I did 17 years ago. I was privileged (and challenged) to build on the work of Ted Sizer, advancing a humane, coeducational community. I did my best to honor and continue Don McNemar’s groundbreaking and visionary work to connect Andover to the world. Beginning with Eliphalet Pearson, the first head, we have all done our very best to serve the interests of the faculty and students of Andover so that they, in turn, can serve the larger world.
At all-school meeting on April 27, board president Oscar Tang will introduce to you Peter Currie ’74, president elect, chair of the search committee and parent of Peter Currie ’03. You will find him to be a talented leader—dedicated, principled, and approachable. The continuity from Oscar Tang to Peter Currie will assure a stable transition as the 15th head of school is identified. That fortunate person will have the privilege of continuing our ongoing commitment to Youth from Every Quarter, non sibi, and the importance of joining goodness with knowledge.
Meanwhile, I look forward to the next 15 months here on Andover hill with you and in the Andover community beyond the hill, as I continue to do the work I have loved for the last 17 years.
Barbara Chase
Head of School