Hopefully you went to the Club Rally on Sunday, especially if you’re a new student. If not, you missed out on over a hundred Andover students enthusiastically screaming and mildly assaulting people for signatures on their club’s email roster. People rode shoulders, waved their posters over the crowd and Under the Bed went paperless, instead opting to use a shirtless member’s body as a sign-up sheet. When we were underclassmen, we remember feeling overwhelmed by the older students. Impressionable and intimidated as we were, we signed every sheet thrust in front of us. You may have done the same, and now feel inundated with email after email for each club’s first meeting. Try out as many as you’d like. If anything sparks your interest, check out the meeting and see if you want to go back. As upperclassmen, you will regret your inhibitions if you haven’t found a club in which you can actively participate. It is in an environment like Andover’s that you can truly unearth interests you never believed you had. The key to enjoying extracurricular life at Andover is not, however, becoming a member of every club on campus. Then you’ll only skim the surface of what each organization has to offer. Instead, try to find a select group of clubs that truly interest you, that you genuinely enjoy and that you can endeavor to improve. Clubs can offer a place to celebrate your interests with friends and not worry about being graded or evaluated. They are in that way capable of being different from classes and competitive sports. It would be a shame not to take advantage of the welcome break from classwork that a weekly club meeting can offer. The education we’ve received from extra-curriculars like The Phillipian is in many ways just as enriching as the courses in which we’ve enrolled. You’ve already signed up for the clubs. Now go check them out. This editorial represents the views of the Editorial Board CXXXIII.