To the Editor:? I’m writing in response to your editorial “Non Scholae” (Nov. 13, 2008). I was dismayed to see you belittle the efforts of recent alumni who travel to Andover for A/E weekend. I understand that the fact that over 65% of recent alumni didn’t donate money to Andover last year seems disappointing; however, I trust that you will learn why participation is low after you graduate and struggle to balance car payments, tuition, rent, and utilities while you try to graduate from college and start a career. I’ve donated the past two years, but I can very easily see why some young alumni don’t give, especially as the economic downturn looms omenously over our budding careers. More importantly, I was disheartened at your attitude towards the students who visit every year. I traveled from Los Angeles to Exeter for A/E last year, missing 4 classes on a Friday to fly across the country, then traveling all the way to Exeter, then Andover, and then back to Boston to fly to LA on Sunday night. No amount of money could ever rival the level of dedication I have for the place that unquestionably made me the person I am today. I just hope that current students can appreciate that, and look forward to having the same relationship with Andover after they graduate. Arjun Sharma ’07 USC ’11