In Depth

Results of the Strategic Plan Since 2004

2004 Admissions Statistics • $8.9 million financial aid budget • 36.5% of students on aid Strategic Plan adopted 2005 • Academic Support Group created • Faculty salaries increase 2006 • Board of Trustees approves Strategic Iniatives Fund • Faculty salaries increase 2007 • Four students participate in first term of Flexible Fitness • Full scholarship students receive laptops •First Academic Support teaching fellow hired • Summer ACE Scholar Program begins • PACE class replaces Life Issues, lasts one term instead of two 2008 2009 More flexibility in art and music requirement: The revised program will still require four credits total, but there will be a minimum of one credit, instead of two, in each subject. This will allow students who would rather focus their attention on one subject spend minimal time on the other. Theater will count as an art class for students who wish to take it. To be eliminated: • Theatre requirement • Yearlong art or music requirement