I have been reading Phillipians since September 1963 when I joined the English department. Usually when I wrote in I complained about something (like a previous board’s penchant for making fun of PG’s.) I cannot summon up enough superlatives to praise adequately the content and the writing in the October 5 issue. The range of serious issues treated respectfully was unparalleled. Without exception each writer had something important to say and did so effectively. I was particularly impressed by the thoroughness of your attention to eating disorders. As you point out, this is a national and, I assume, a worldwide problem. Knowing and working with previous editors of the paper, including the first female president, Louise Kennedy (catch her eloquent reviews of plays for The Boston Globe), I know how much pressure and how many sleepless nights go into writing what must arguably be the best high school weekly paper in the country. I am sure many other faculty and alumni/ae join me in being so impressed with your publication. Keep up the fine work! Meredith Price Emeritus English Department