Twelve of the 21 Uppers who appeared on the ballot survived Wednesday’s first round of elections for student body president. Peter Accomando ’05, Daniel Adler ’05, Franklin Davison ’05, Billy Doyle ’05, Anthony Green ’05, Natasha Midgley ’05, Nathan Scott ’05, Morissa Sobleson ’05, Bobby Spang ’05, Yusuke Uchiyama ’05, Nevile Williams ’05, and Chris Zegel ’05 made the cut. The elections came a day after each of the candidates delivered two-minute speeches outlining their platforms during a program in Kemper Auditorium on Tuesday evening. Campaigning for this round of elections was as involved as ever with many candidates using creative campaign strategies. Uchiyama started advertising long before Wednesday’s elections with a website. Adler handed out pencils with “Daniel Adler for President,” inscribed in the middle. Wearing a pin with “Vote Adler” and his picture on it, Adler said, “One of my goals is fixing the long lines at the Andover Bookstore in the beginning of the year.” He continued, “We all have better things to do than stand in a line for four hours, and that is why I will work to allow day students to buy their books early.” During his two-minute speech, Spang sang and danced to the theme song of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” He substituted the real lyrics with reasons why to vote Spang. Upon hearing of his success on Wednesday’s elections , Spang remarked, “It continues to be a very energetic election, and I am looking forward to the next round.” Sobleson expressed her hopes to create more off-campus activities to allow students to become involved in the community. She is looking into a bicycle program where teachers and faculty could ride designated PA bikes around campus for communal use. After finding out about her victory, Sobleson said. “It’s a tremendous honor to be among such an outstanding group of candidates.” She continued, “I’m truly looking forward to communicating my platform with more members of the student body in order to let them know what my goals and interests are, while learning about their own needs and ideas.” “While it’s important that I get out there and let the PA community know who I am and what I stand for, I believe that at this [sic] early point in the electoral process, the most important thing that I can continue to do is to listen.” Davison has three major issues he claims that he will address if elected president. He says that he will work with the pace of life, program cuts, and student opportunities. Reflecting on his victory, Davison said, “I’m joyful that the student body has faith in me and I am looking forward to arguing my position through my platform and speeches, and the harder rounds to come.” Zegel held up signs instead of talking during his two minutes; he noted that his job was to listen to the student body, and it was not to talk. Zegel said about his victory, “I am obviously very exited to be moving on. There are some names that did not make it that I thought surprising.” He continued, “I am a little nervous that there is no way to talk to the community between now and the next elections, but that just means there will have to be more campaigning.” “I hope that I am able to make the next top six.” Allegra Asplundh-Smith ’04, current PA student body president, has high hopes for the elections. Commenting on the elections, she said “I think that the sheer amount of interest in the position is very promising.” She added, “I’ve heard one candidate mention his interest in a student council veto for DCs. That should be interesting.” The twelve remaining candidates will go on to compete in the next round which will lower the number of candidates to six. On April 7th the candidates remaining will speak at the all school meeting, and then the final elections will take place in commons on the same day. The president will then elect a vice president and decide on a faculty adviser.