
Newly Accepted Students Arrive on Campus for Revisit Day

This past Friday, Andover’s campus was bustling with newly admitted “revisit” students, many touring campus for the first time. Revisit Days, taking place on three separate days throughout the Spring Term, are when newly admitted students come and visit campus, paired with an Andover student who brings them alongside their daily class routine. 

Maya Rogers ’25, a one-year Lower, hosted a revisit student for the first time this past Friday. Rogers expressed how she enjoyed the opportunity to bring a student to campus for the first time and give them an insight into the Andover experience. Rogers reflected on how the experience also allowed her to gain a deeper perspective on campus aspects she may not have seen in the past.

“One thing that I really enjoy is bringing someone new to Andover and giving them a taste of the school. This experience definitely made me see different things on campus and more things to talk about, and more things that I realized that are different from Andover compared to other schools,” said Rogers. 

Kai Zimsen-Campe ’26 is one student who participated in last year’s revisit day. Zimsen-Campe reflected on the difficulty of being a revisit day host this year, comparing their experience as a host to their experience as a visitor.

“It’s a lot harder to be a guide than to be a [revisit] because you have to make conversation and keep them engaged, but I like it, it’s fun and it’s also slightly weird seeing that they once were me and now I’m the one who’s the Andover student.” said Zimsen-Campe.

Roger’s revisit day student, Sophia, was accepted as a new Lower from New Orleans, Louisiana. The Phillipian was unable to identify Sophia’s last name. Sophia, who had previously visited campus in the Fall, commented on her recurring view of the diversity and inclusiveness in the Andover community.

“What really stuck out to me when I visited in the Fall and toured the campus was just the sense of community. Everybody here seemed really nice, the courses seemed challenging, but also I was just drawn by the whole multicultural aspect, because I’m from New Orleans, multiculturalism is very important to me,” said Sophia. 

Other students described their reasons for attending revisit day. Ahmed Hamad has been admitted for the Class of 2027. According to Hamad, he was drawn to Andover because of the opportunities to forge new relationships.

“I’m really excited about meeting new people. In the school that I go to right now, I’ve had the same friends that I’ve had for a while, and they’re the people who I’m most comfortable with. I want to get out of my comfort zone when I come to Andover in the Fall, and I want to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people, make new friends, and learn about what makes each of us different, special, and unique,” said Hamad.