Whitney House
Melani Garcia ’21: I really wanted to be a prefect because I really wanted to help new kids transition here. Personally, I was a new lower and it was hard in the beginning, especially coming from a New York City public school, it was really the community around me that really helped me get adjusted here. I just want to help others get through the rough transition.
Isham House
Zaina Qamar’21: I wanted to apply for prefect because I thought it was a great opportunity to help the new students get adjusted to Andover…. I have older sisters, and they have mentored me so much in the past. To be able to act like that for students at school is going to be great. Isham is going to be partially freshmen and partially new lowers, so I’m definitely excited and curious to see how that will be, since this is a very new thing.
Draper House
Amelia Meyer ’21: I applied to be a prefect because I strongly believe in community and the importance of having leaders to look up to in your life. I’m friends with a lot of freshmen, and I feel like they look up to me. I want to be able to give a positive influence to incoming students. I have an awesome prefect partner, Denise, and I just hope to havea lot of fun in raising family here on campus.
Tucker House
Lucas Kim’21:In my freshman year, I felt that prefects played such an instrumental role in my experience here, and they were great role models for me, and opened the possibilities for me. Right now [Tucker] is not a freshman dorm, but next year, it’s turning into a new lower/freshman dorm. So I’m excited to work with Tulio, who’s my other prefect to sort of set a new dorm environment.
Nathan Hale House
Isabel Escobar ’21: I’m a new Lower, so when I first came, I really struggled a lot in the beginning…. I wanted other people to feel at home here, and I wanted to be that mentor for others in a way that I could if I applied to be a prefect. I just want to make my prefectees feel loved….I want them to be able to go into my room, sit on a fluffy rug, and tell me about their.
Stowe House
Sofia Garcia ’21: I had two amazing prefects my freshmen year; I was living in Hale. Kelly McCarthy and Rhea Chandran were my prefects in the Annex, and they were both such incredible role models for me and made me love Andover so much that I wanted to be able to give some of that to incoming freshmen.
Double Brick House
Angelina Collado ’21: I personally became prefect because I really wanted to
be that person someone else could look to. Prefects are such important roles in order to transition—I want to help other people’s transition to Andover be as easy as it can be. Double Brick, the way it’s set up, there’s not a prefect on every floor, so my goal is to reach out to those students.
America House
Troy Mao ’22: I just hope to create a nice environment in the dorm because A-House is going to be a combined community next year–for returning lowers, new lowers, and freshmen–so I think it’s really important to keep the harmony in the dorm. And some kids are naughty and noisy, and some are quieter so I feel like it’s really important to balance people’s lifestyles.
Bertha Bailey House
Corwin McCormack’21: I wanted to be a prefect because I want to help people just come to this school through the rough transition at the beginning of the school year. I also want to help them learn and grow as people. And I also hope they also help me learn and grow as a person.
French House
Gio Pierre’21: I had great prefects my freshmen year. They were great mentors and friends to me so I want to be that for someone else.
Pease House
Caleb Blackburn-Johnson ’22: Well actually I didn’t even apply–it wasn’t something on my radar until two Fridays ago when I was actually approached to become a prefect and i thought it would be something that after being given the opportunity would be really fun but also rewarding and something I was ready for.One thing my prefect did this year really well
was help me transition to Andover–he was one of my better friends the first two weeks so I would love to be somebody for these new freshmen who they could rely on.
Rockwell House
David Zhu ’21: I was in Rockwell last year and during that time I became really good, close friends with my prefects so I kinda wanted to bring that back.
Smith House
Ethan Chan ’21 I applied to be a prefect because I loved my prefects as a freshman, and I felt like this was a good way to give back. I’m really excited about working in Smith, which was a girls’ dorm last year. Smith is so beautiful and geographically convenient, but I’m most excited about working with Dr. Villanueva. Smith is also going to be a 9th and new 10th grader dorm, so I’m super excited to see how it will go.
Eaton Cottage
Carolina Weatherall’21: My prefect [during] freshmen year made a really big difference in my life. I know it’s hard to make the jump from living at home with your family to living at school with your peers, and prefects made that jump a lot smoother and easier. They talked to everyone in my dorm—they’re like sisters to us. I’m really looking forward to doing a lot of dorm-bonding activities. I think that’s important and gonna be a lot of fun.
Pemberton Cottage
Daniel Dominguez ’21: I wanted to be a prefect because of the prefects before me. And my prefects, especially. They really inspired me and helped me get through PA. And I just want to be that sort of figure for the kids the come soon.
Newman House
Mathis Weber ’20: I wanted to be a prefect because I was one this year, and I really like living in Newman with the Esty’s but also being with some younger kids. Even though it will be my senior [year], I will be in a big dorm in college, and it is really nice being in such a warm and sweet environment. It will be awesome to have such a great experience all over again. Even though my prefectees right now will have to leave, I will definitely keep in contact with them.