Data and descriptions available online at
Early this September, The Phillipian, vol. CXXXIX, and The Exonian, vol. CXXXVIII, collaborated to conduct the first-ever survey of all incoming freshmen at Andover and Exeter. The survey, inspired by the annual “Freshman Survey” distributed by “The Harvard Crimson” and “The Yale Daily News,” consists of 36 questions and is divided into five main topics: general information, middle school, Andover/Exeter, and perceptions about the two institutions academically, socially, and athletically.
Of the 221 Juniors (freshmen at Andover) who received the survey, The Phillipian received 169 complete responses – 76.5 percent of the Class of 2020. Of the 186 Preps (freshmen at Exeter) who received the survey, “The Exonian” received 157 complete responses – 84.4 percent of students polled. In the interest of accurately reporting the results of the two surveys, all of the data is presented on a percentage basis and all graphs can be toggled to show individual results from each school.
We thank the students at Andover and Exeter for their willingness to provide information about themselves and to share their experiences, and we are looking forward to future collaborations between The Phillipian and “The Exonian” under a joint “Non Sibi Press” venture.