After years of growing faculty frustration with the use of the current Blackboard platform, [Canvas]( has been chosen to replace Blackboard as Andover’s new Learning Management System (LMS).
For many classes, the switch to Canvas will occur when school resumes in September.
Every teacher will be given the option of using either Canvas or Blackboard during the fiscal year 2014. All courses will officially transition to Canvas in September 2015, when Blackboard will no longer be supported by the Andover Technology office.
Canvas, a cloud-based platform, was chosen by the Academic Committee on Technology as the new LMS for its “intuitive and easy-to-use experience,” according to a previous article in _The Phillipian. _The Academic Committee on Technology also received positive feedback from students and teachers who used Canvas as a trial during the 2013-2014 school year.
The process of finding a new LMS has been in the works for many years, said Patricia Russell, Dean of Studies, in an email to _The Phillipian. _
“The decision to replace Blackboard…is basically due to increasing limitations with Blackboard for teachers and students as more and more course materials and collaborations go online,” said Russell.
The search for a new LMS was led by Dominic Veneto, Director of Information Technology, Christopher Odden, Instructor in Mathematics, and Therese Zemlin, Instructor and Chair in Art.