
Andover Continues to Raise Funds for Haiti With Head of School Barbara Chase’s Haiti Relief Challenge

The Haiti Relief Challenge, proposed by Head of School Barbara Chase, is the latest initiative in efforts to aid those affected by the Haitian earthquake. The Haiti Relief Challenge has committed a $2,000 gift matching funds raised thus far, intending to spur a continuation of fund-raising. The project aims to raise more than $4,000. Chad Green, Director of Community Service, said, “I think oftentimes when we have had unfortunate situations around the world, the institution has often made a contribution. The Haiti Relief Fund is a way of leveraging that to raise more funds.” Liz Davisson, Teaching Fellow in Community Service, said, “Any member of the PA community can donate to the matching fund and a number of individuals want to do something about the crisis.” The Haiti Relief Challenge joins a long list of other organizations and events that have raised money for Haiti relief efforts. Clubs ranging from the Andover Philanthropist Society to Under the Bed, the student dramatic improvisational group, have contributed financially. In addition, the Blue and Silver dance raised $1485 while the a ennual charity dodgeball tournament raised $810. The halting of cluster munches for one week saved $600 dollars to be donated, and donations collected in Paresky Commons raised $1275. In total, Phillips Academy has raised over $4170. Davisson said, “More donations and fundraisers are going to happen, the amount of money going to be donated is more than these numbers as the fund-raising effort gets more public and publicized.” PA has more relief effort projects lined up. In addition to the West Quad North Fashion Show, the Music Department will hold a concert on March 7 and will donate the proceeds to Haiti. The Dance Open, an annual dance concert, will be collecting donations for the Lambi Fund of Haiti, which works towards economic justice, democracy and sustainable development. The money raised for Haiti will be evenly donated to five organizations chosen by the Community Service Office. One of these organizations is Kledev, an organization that empowers economic development in Haiti. Another organization is Fonkoze, an alternative bank for the organized poor; they are the largest micro finance institution in Haiti. Partners in Health and Doctors Without Borders, organizations that assist people whose survival has been threatened by disaster, are also organizations that will receive fiscal assistance from PA. Any member of the Phillips Academy community is encouraged to donate to the Haitian Relief Challenge. Donations should be submitted to Green.