
Communications Office Working to Enhance Public Presentation of PA’s Values, Strengths

Phillips Academy’s Communications Office is devising a new plan to communicate Andover’s mission and highlight its successes, in accordance with the school’s third operational goal. This project involves producing new publications for admissions and the Addison Art Gallery. Some changes have already been made; since 2004, Steven Porter, Director of Public Information, said, “There’s been an effort to focus more stories in the Andover Bulletin on the values of the school.” Described as “a private school with a public purpose” in the Strategic Plan, Phillips Academy seeks to be a leader in secondary school education. The new communication plan is being designed for that purpose. Last spring, the Communications Office surveyed 700 alumni and parents over the phone to find out their perceptions of Andover’s reputation and image. The office also established focus groups to investigate the same topic. The survey and focus groups were conducted in order to determine how people percieve Phillips Academy. The goal behind this research was to help shape the messages that the school wishes to promote. Tracy Sweet, Director of Communications, said, “We are not in the business of ‘selling’ Andover or changing anything about its mission and values; we simply want to present Andover in a consistent, compelling and authentic way.” Some projects are still in the works. The Office of Communications is working on a new catalogue for the admissions office, with supplementary materials and a new publication to promote the current capital campaign. Along with Mrs. Chase, the Communications Office is working to create a series of communications to parents and alumni regarding implementation of the Strategic Plan which would enhance and preserve parents’ and alumni’s connection to the school. To attract prospective Addison donors, the Communications Office has been working with Addison staff members to produce the gallery’s own publication. The Campaign for the Addison is already underway. The Office is also creating a new alumni portal similar to the parent portal. For more information on online communications iniatives, see “On New Web Sites, Parents and Alums Connect to PA” in column one.