Faculty and Staff Opinions on Emergency Preparedness The faculty and staff felt that the school was sufficiently prepared for an emergency. Although some thought there were flaws within the system, most seemed satisfied with the Shelter-in-Place drill. A general opinion was that while their training was sufficient, communication should be improved to account for the unpredictability of emergency situations. Day Custodial Work Leader Bruce Hannay: “I think we are the best we can be right now, but there’s always room for improvement. Although instructions were impressed upon everyone, everyone would need a refresher course once in a while.” Administrative Assistant Maria Schleicher: “I think that the training they gave us was very informative; you will never be ready, but we are prepared enough.” Chemistry Lab and Safety Supervisor Chand Sripad: “Maybe an alarm would be good because the last time, communication was only through e-mail. It would be more effective if there were an intercom message, because not everybody knew what was going on. For the first drill though I think that [faculty and staff] were prepared and knew what to do.” Head of School Barbara Chase at All-School-Meeting: “We’ve thought about the most efficient ways to take care of [the students, faculty, and staff]. We know communication is the key, and we know we have a big campus. We’ve been trying to be as proactive as we can. -Alicia Keyes and Charles Shoener