How does it feel to be elected Student Council President? It feels terrific. It feels amazing. Did you expect this outcome? Not at all actually. When I saw the initial list of 24 candidates, I thought that I wouldn’t make it through the first round. I’ve really been amazed that I made it as far as the final three. What do you look forward to most as President? Student Council has been something that I have really enjoyed over the past three years. I am really glad to have the opportunity to serve on the council again next year and to be able to lead and guide it. I am especially excited to work with our newly elected Vice President Jonathan Adler and with Joey Mensah as well because I have come to know them both really well throughout this process. I hope that by working together we can really accomplish the initiatives that have been set out by the council. Do you plan on working with the outgoing President Danny Silk? Absolutely yes. I talked to Danny briefly tonight; he called to say congratulations. I definitely want to set up some meetings with Danny to find out where he thinks the best place to start is. What has been the most memorable experience of your campaign? The most memorable experience of the campaign was giving the speech. It was really amazing. I was incredibly nervous. Once I got on stage it felt great. I really enjoyed listening to Joey and Jon’s speeches. I thought it was a lot of fun. I would like to extend a thank you to everyone who voted for me. Thanks to all the candidates and I really hope that we can have a productive year on the Student Council.