Green Cup Update: After three weeks of competition the 15 schools have prevented approximately 131 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. This number offsets the average yearly emissions from electricity in twenty-one U.S. homes! Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Take a look at these fast and fun calculators! They’ll help you determine how much energy you, your home, vehicle uses and how much greenhouse gas pollution is being produced as a result. Upcoming Event: TONIGHT (2/23) 8-10PM ~ Underwood Room: GREEN CUP UNPLUGGED COFFEEHOUSE featuring acoustic entertainment, Dean’s Beans 100% organic & fair trade coffee, Green Cup cupcakes from Andover’s Cupcake Boutique and lots of information about how to lessen your energy consumption and prevent global warming. The end is near… Final standing for the Green Cup Challenge will be announced early next week. Stay tuned and keep saving watts! Questions? Contact Becky Bogdanovitch, Sustainability Coordinator