
Student Council Update

Presidential Elections There are currently 24 presidential candidates. The first round of voting will be held on Friday, February 2. At that time, the pool will be narrowed down to twelve candidates. Present at the last Student Council meeting were presidential candidates Lydia Dallett ’08, Jonathan Adler ’08 and Veda Eswarappa ’08. Other candidates are encouraged to attend the meetings as well. GW Renovation The GW Renovation subcommittee, headed by Akosua Oforiwaa-Ayin ’07 and Maura Mulroy ’07, recently met with Ms. Edwards to select construction and furniture materials. The subcommittee also talked with Ms. Edwards about the possibility of hiring an interior designer for the renovation. School President Danny Silk ’07 also suggested possibly contributing part of the senior gift towards the GW renovation. Student-Faculty Dinners The first student-faculty dinner will be held on a Sunday evening towards the end of February. The subcommittee devoted to this issue, headed by Eddie Kang ’07, has not yet come up with a definitive date. This first trial dinner will host approximately 50 people. Interscholastic Relations The Interscholastic Relations subcommittee, headed by Eddie Diaz ’07, has talked with other boarding schools such as Exeter about holding regional dances. They discovered that many other schools do in fact hold regional dances. This spring, Student Council plans to host one as well. Blue Pages Jim Elder ’07, head of the Blue Pages subcommittee, says that they plan on updating the information this term and expanding it during spring term. The final goal is to have a copy of the Blue Pages in students’ mailboxes next fall.