The Phillipian applauds the successful effort of the faculty to push back the administration’s plan to lengthen the school year. Students agree with many faculty that adding ten more days to the academic calendar will not slow the pace of life, but rather intensify it. As Instructor in History Derek Williams pointed out, “All teachers love their subjects, and if they got the chance, they would teach more for a week.” More important than the schedule changes is the power the faculty has demonstrated. Too frequently, students and faculty have been jointly opposed to administration policies only to be shut out from the decision-making process. With their actions regarding the proposed changes, the faculty has demonstrated that they can indeed stand up to policies that they find objectionable. Students should embrace this example of resistance to policies that they find objectionable. Too often, policies and appointments have been forced upon a student body that was simply not consulted. One recent example of this is Marlys Edwards’ reappointment to her post as Dean of Students. While administration officials justified their decision as a result of feedback from students and faculty, there was no faculty vote on Ms. Edwards’ reappointment. In the future, we hope that when students and faculty are collectively opposed to new policies, they can join together to express their displeasure. This school belongs to students and faculty, and changes opposed by both groups should simply not take effect. When both the students and the faculty are united in opposition to a proposal, we can’t help but wonder how the administration can claim to be acting in the best interest of the Academy.