The Ladies of Andover Cross Country arrived at the Canterbury Invitational in style, bringing home the first-place trophy and burning past their closest competition. Facing one of the toughest courses of the season and competing with over 200 other runners from 27 teams, Andover claimed the esteemed Canterbury Invitational first-place trophy with an impressive team score of 84. Suffield and NMH tallied 131 and 146 points, respectively, for second and third place. Arriving first at the finish line for Andover was Katharine Adams ’06, who came in tenth place with a time of 22:11. It was quite an accomplishment for the new lower, in what was her first official cross country race for the Big Blue. “I thought it was a really hard course, but everyone gave it all they had to help our team pull far ahead of the others,” Adams explained. “Our team was so solid and consistent that even though we didn’t get the highest places, we had a bulk of our team in very good spots to help keep our score pretty low.” Right behind Adams was Lissy Robie ’04 who ran to twelfth place. Robie recalls the toughest point of the race, “There was a ridiculous hill right before the two mile mark, and a lot of girls were getting passed. There were just a lot of twists and turns and it never ended. But overall we did a really good job. Especially Katharine, she rocked the hills. They were intimidating, but they were mostly just a mental challenge.” Following Robie, a wave of PA runners helped secure the win, as five PA girls finished in the top 25. Alison Murphy ’05 came through in 16th place, followed closely by Captain Hoppy Maffione ’04, who ran a 23:06 to earn 21st place. Anne Sharp ’05 and Courtney Blackwell ’06 were right behind Maffione in 25th and 27th places with times of 23:10 and 23:12, respectively. Catalina McCallum ’05 rounded out the seven in 86th place.