
Dallett Steps Down

Phillipian: How did you become interested in theater at Andover? Meg Dallett: I’ve been doing theater of one kind or another ever since I can remember (who knows what got me started in the first place?), so when I came to Andover, it wasn’t a question of “should I do theater?”, it was more a question of “how soon can I possibly start acting here?” Phillipian: What made you want to be a producer? MD: I can remember how nervous and off-balance I was directing my first workshop, and as a producer, I could help other directors so they didn’t stress as much as I did. It’s also a good excuse to sell the Theater Department shamelessly and get as many people as possible involved. I love the rehearsal process, because we all become so close by the end and have so much fun with the show. I decided that being a producer would be a great way for me to be a part of as many shows as possible. Phillipian: How has your experience as a producer been? MD: Producing is a huge commitment, but I have learned so much about all sides of putting together a show. Mentoring other shows has helped my own directing, since you tend to look at shows in progress with a more critical eye so that you can help out the director with whatever he or she needs. Phillipian: Looking back on the past year, are you glad you decided to be a producer? MD: I am incredibly glad I decided to be a producer, no regrets at all. Phillipian: With what play or which actor did you most enjoy working? MD: I am so happy to have been able to work with my co-producers, Matt and David, who contributed as much as anything else to the wonderful experience I had producing. I was lucky to be working with two people with more experience than me; I watched them and got so much out of it. Phillipian: What has been your favorite experience here in theater? MD: There is no possible way to choose “favorite” and “least favorite.” Every time I see the final product of a show I’ve been involved with and had a great time rehearsing, it’s my favorite moment. Although tech isn’t my favorite aspect of theater, stage managing Speak the Rain Words sticks out because it was such a huge leap for me and I got to work with such an incredible group of people. Likewise, there’s been no experience that was all bad; everything had some part that made it worthwhile. Sure, I lost a lot of sleep over Grasshopper Night, but I learned an immeasurable amount and the result of all the effort was fantastic. Phillipian: Do you hope to pursue producing and acting after Andover? MD: Producing professionally after my time here? I don’t know about that… I plan to keep on directing and acting as much as possible for as long as I can. Matt London ’03 and David Linfield ’03 were unavailable for comment, but the Arts Section thanks all three producers of the 2002-2003 school year for their dedication to Andover theater.